Sunday, September 23, 2007

Live for the moment.

There is no question about it. i would live now die in a couple, and be DA MAN. why do you think i would want to live forever and never be known, never be a somebody. I would hate to think of myself as a statistic or my life to be meaningless. I know it might sound conceded but i believe i have an inept feeling of being the center of the world. and i don't mean i am the only one that matters, but i know i am not just a pawn.
another thing is what in this world that is happening now makes you want to believe that this world is going to be a place you would want to be living in for another 70 years. The way its going i might be living in a war torn desolate hell hole for my 70 long years to come. in my opinion the world and culture and climate and politics is on a steady downward spiral and i don't really know if i would be willing to bet my most precious possession on it being around long enough to live the long and slow life.
Ont the other hand if i was to die young rich happy and incredibly famous, i wouldn't have to worry about the world to come. i wouldn't have to work to end up ok. i would pack my life in a moment and blow up in a fiery show of excellence. I couldn't even begin to think of having nothing to live for besides a decent retirement and a nice old people's home with porridge. Like the popular phrase, Go Big Or Go Home.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Two Words: Power Rangers

For me power rangers encompassed my childhood. From the time i climed stone mountain to the time I cracked my head open, I always used to ware my red ranger suit. The red ranger was the leader, the strongest, the bravest, and not to mention BOSSY. All suits i gladly portrayed myself to be at an early age. I loved the way they worked together as a team, much like my friends and I did when we were together. The Power Rangers were the Heroes of my generation. Everyone could relate to atleast on of the Power Rangers, which helped to make the game more enjoyable. And despite the usual fights over the postition of the Red and Pick Ranger, the game of pertending to be the Power Rangers always was fun.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Us against them

Our society is soley baced on comparesions. Who are you compared to the Smiths? What is better coke or pepsi? Who has the fancier car? Who has better grades?Nothing is just it's self. We can't begin to comprehend not being "able to look at someone else and know how far along on his journey he is." We need to know because we then know how we are in comparison. We need it straight and to the point. No wishy wash. We don't want confusion. As a country that strives to greatness, we want to move towardes the future, fast. We need answers so we can move on, not more confusion and questions which only keep us in a never ending circle. We want a beginning and an end. As a society we are linear. In Siddhartha's society, everything is a circle. Everything is part of everything else. there is no end and begining, no black and white, no Brahman and diceplayer.